AHA! English, Basic 4 AHA! English, My Reflection


Speaking Test

Record a voice note to answers the questions below and send it to bu Mierza’s WhatsApp number

  • What’s your name?
  • Explain about your family, Example : I have a mom, her name is … I have…
  • Mention 3 of your favorit animals
  • Mention your 3 favorite colors

Written Tests

AHA! English, Englicious Resources

AHA! English Student’s Masterpiece: What We Do as a Muslim – an eBook

Beautiful ebook made by ‘Aisyah bintu Galang, an AHA! English student, portraying her journey in  learning English. Barakallaahu fiih. 

Englicious Resources, SOSE Resources, Students' Masterpieces

The Klastulistiwa Anthology: Mari Terbitkan Mimpi

Dan akhirnya… buku keroyokan ‘The Klastulistiwa Anthology‘ yang menggantikan portofolio itu terbit. Alhamdulillah, dengan modal self publishing, saya dapat membantu menerbitkan mimpi anak-anak murid saya menjadi penulis.

So, what’s Klastulistiwa Anthology?

Klastulistiwa Anthology adalah kumpulan tulisan anak-anak selama satu tahun ajaran ketika saya mengajarkan SOSE dan Bahasa Inggris. Isinya ya, campur-campur: puisi, artikel, cerpen, sampai poster. Selama satu tahun itu pula siswa-siswa saya menabung agar bisa cetak pertama plus biaya biro pengurus ISBN. Maklum, posisi sekolah berasrama kami yang sangat dekat dengan wisma atlet ternama itu tidak memungkinkan kami mengurusnya sendiri.

Di akhir tahun ajaran, salah satu anak yang menjadi pengurus Girls SRC (OSIS tapi khusus perempuan) menggagas untuk membuat Klastulistiwa Project Team.

Via, sang ketua SRC, banyak berperan dalam hal ini. Ia memimpin tim yang terdiri dari beberapa anak2 kelas 7 hingga 12 yang saya ajar. Mereka memosisikan diri menjadi content editor, visual designer, editor, treasurer, sampai marketer – di bawah Via yang jadi Project Manager tentunya. Mereka membuat project timeline, budgeting, hingga promosi.

KLASTULISTIWAWaktu project yang hanya satu bulan pun rampung. An accomplished project. Seluruh penjualan buku hard copy dan royalty disumbangkan untuk pembangunan masjid sekolah. Saat itu perasaan saya membuncah sebagai guru. Bagaimana tidak? Saya seakan-akan melihat langsung semua yang saya ajarkan di kelas, diterapkan di dunia nyata. All of the life skills, knowledge, and character building!

Kisah pun diakhiri dengan telfon kalau buku tidak bisa diikirim tepat waktu ke sekolah untuk dijual kepada pengunjung saat Graduation & Open House karena lokasi yang sulit dijangkau. “Bisanya ke Bogor kota, Bu.” katanya.

Saya publish di LINE, dan dalam sekejap saya di jawab puluhan komen yang bernada sama “Kirim ke alamat saya aja, Bu.” tulis salah satu anak. Dan lagi, an obstacle is overcome.

Anak-anak itu benar-benar bekerja meskipun ada di minggu ujian. Bahkan, para marketer berhasil menjual empat puluh buku!

Dan sekarang, saya mau coba peruntungan saya sebagai marketer dengan mempromosikan buku keroyokan anak-anak itu. Siapa tahu ada yang berminat untuk menulari anak-anaknya kisah yang serupa. Jika ada, buku bisa dibeli online melalui leutikaprio.com. Klik saja LINK INI.

SOSE Resources

[SOSE Year 9] Coastal Systems

Assalaamu’alaikum students,

Kindly find the following slides used in the classroom when we learnt about Coastal System. Just follow the steps if you need to download it. You could also, however, read it on my website.

Ow, and those awesome videos that we watched, you can easily find it on the online video stores: YouTUBE! ^__^ Just put the keyword: ‘cliff collapse’, ‘coastal erosion good plenary’, ‘Japan tsunami’, and VOILA: bundled of free valuable resources could be accessed as easy as one-two-three (sometimes more, if the connection is not really good of course :P).

By the way, thanks for those contributing to twitter (optional) homework @klastulistiwa as you deserve more points for your effort.

So, this is it. See you in the next topic and as always…

Thanks for surviving in my classroom.

BarakAllaah feekum.

Bu Mierza

Englicious Resources, My Reflection, Teacher's Professional Development

Incorporating Global Warming Issues in ELT

This is my second presentation slides and presentation which happened to be my first ‘appearance’ at an international conference. The event was organized by TEFLIN and UPI Bandung on November 1-3, 2010. The paper itself was actually a continuation of the research I had made as presented at Ma Chung University.

Surprisingly, at that conference, I won the Alwasilah-Teflin Award as the best paper! Alhamdulillaah, I (who happened to be expecting my second child at that time) could bring home Rp 1.000.000 from the conference. I supposed that it was the gift for my baby. 🙂

The Presentation

The Paper 

Englicious Resources, My Reflection, Teacher's Professional Development

Promoting Environmental Sustainability in EFL Classroom

This is my first presentation and paper written to be presented at Ma Chung University on National Conference of Literature and Language Teaching (NACOLLIT) in 2010. It was also the first time for me presenting and talking in front of different audience, i.e. not my own students. 🙂 But then, alhamdulillaah, Allah gave me the strength and courage to move on. And now, I am addicted to share more.

The Slides

The Paper (ISBN 978-979-17959-6-8)

SOSE Resources

Remedial for SOSE

The following information is for students who happened to get Final  Exam score lower than the Standard of Achievement  (SOA ). Please make sure that the assignment is submitted by Wednesday,  18 December 2013 at 11.59 p.m to klastulistiwa@gmail.com. The list of assignment and students requiring to do it is as follow :

Grade 7 : Create comic about the history of Rome  for Haidar,  Ocean, Nabilla,  dan Nuran

Grade  8 : Created a poster or publication about the discoveries made by Muslim  and Renaissance’s scientists and inventors  for Mujahid,  Farel,  Nauval,  Diaulhaq,  Erdy,  and Ghozy.

Grade 9: Create a 200-words essay about the different views of Movements in Australia and Islam for Ataa and Angela

Well then,  that’s it…  I’ll be waiting until the dateline to have it finished and sent to the above mentioned email.

Good luck.  ^_______^

SOSE Resources

The Gold Rush

One of the topics taught for Year 9 SOSE lesson of  Year 9 is..


Some part of this lesson’s power point slides could be found on https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7O3Bxh-4is4eE5OZlpkT2VQbEk/edit?usp=sharing . The movies watched in the classroom about Events leading to the Gold Rush and Eureka Rebellion could be found on Youtube.

And.. here’s the summary taken from THe Australian Government’s website…

There is no doubt that the gold rushes had a huge effect on the Australian economy and their development as a nation.

In 1851, Edward Hargraves discovered a ‘grain of gold’ in a waterhole near Bathurst. Hargraves was convinced that the similarity in geological features between Australia and the California goldfields (from where he had just returned) boded well for the search of gold in his homeland. He was proved correct. He named the place ‘Ophir’, reported his discovery to the authorities, and was appointed a ‘Commissioner of Land’. He received a reward of 10,000, plus a life pension. The discovery marked the beginning of the Australian gold rushes and a radical change in the economic and social fabric of the nation.

In 1852 alone, 370,000 immigrants arrived in Australia and the economy of the nation boomed.

The ‘rush’ was well and truly on. Victoria contributed more than one third of the world’s gold output in the 1850s and in just two years the State’s population had grown from 77,000 to 540,000!

The number of new arrivals to Australia was greater than the number ofconvicts who had landed here in the previous seventy years. The total population trebled from 430,000 in 1851 to 1.7 million in 1871.

The gold bullion that was shipped to London each year brought a huge flow of imports. The goldfield towns also sparked a huge boost in business investment and stimulated the market for local produce. The economy was expanding and thriving.

Because so many people were travelling to and from the goldfields, the 1850s also saw the construction of the firstrailway and the operation of the first telegraphs.

The rush to the rest of Australia

Following the gold rushes of NSW and Victoria, deposits were uncovered throughout the land. Only South Australia failed to produce any gold deposits of significance.

Multiculturalism on the goldfields

Chinese gold digger starting for work, circa 1860s.Chinese gold digger starting for work, circa 1860s. Image courtesy of State Library of Queensland: 60526 .

Soon after the discovery of the goldfields in Victoria an exodus of unprecedented volume started, bringing to Australia people with a range of skills and professions, unthought of prior to the discovery of gold.

Australia attracted adventurers from all around the world. The majority of these new arrivals were British but also included Americans, French, Italian, German, Polish and Hungarian exiles.The largest foreign contingent on the goldfields was the 40,000 Chinese who made their way to Australia.

In 1861, Chinese immigrants made up 3.3 per cent of the Australian population, the greatest it has ever been. These Chinese were nearly all men (38,337 men and only eleven women!) and most were under contract to Chinese and foreign businessmen. In exchange for their passage money, they worked on the goldfields until their debt was paid off. Most then returned to China. Between 1852 and 1889, there were 40,721 arrivals and 36,049 departures.


There were campaigns to oust the Chinese from the goldfields. The motivation was based on racism and fear of competition for dwindling amounts of easily found gold as the Chinese were known as untiring workers.

A simmering discontent

Diggers on the Turon fields, on the Turon River near Bathurst, had grown angry and had threatened to riot if the cost of licensing fees was not reduced. The monthly fee of 30 shillings for each claim was tough to pay in hard times and the claims were only 13.5 square metres on the surface, which made them difficult to work.

The governor of New South Wales, Governor Fitzroy, wisely reduced the fees by two thirds, but stood firm on the way it was collected, so resented by the diggers who called them the police ‘digger hunts’. Police would descend on the goldfields seeking out those diggers who had not paid their fees. Those who hadn’t paid were hauled before magistrates and fined 5 for the first offence. The fine doubled for each subsequent offence.

As the police digger hunts grew more unpopular, the police began using more and more force.

The Eureka Stockade

The Eureka Flag was based on the constellation of the Southern Cross.The Eureka Flag was based on the constellation of the Southern Cross. Courtesy of the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery and Australian Museums and Galleries Online.

Between 1851 and 1854 tension was building on the goldfields. Clashes between the miners and the authorities became more frequent with significant discontent brewing over the injustice of the goldfield licensing system and police corruption.

At Ballarat, the tension was rising quickly. The Ballarat Reform League was set up under the leadership of an Irish engineer, Peter Lalor. His fellow rebels were a passionate and colourful bunch, including a Prussian republican, Fredrick Vern; the Italian redshirt, Raffaelo Carboni; and the Scottish Chartist, Tom Kennedy.

In December 1854, 1000 men gathered at Eureka, on the outskirts of Ballarat and unfurled their flag, a white cross and stars on a blue field, to proclaim their oath:

We swear by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other, and fight to defend our rights and liberties.

In a tragic climax to the rising tensions, troops from Melbourne overran the stockade and killed 22 of its defenders.


Juries in Melbourne refused to convict the rebel leaders who were put on trial for high treason. A Royal Commission condemned the goldfield administration and the miners’ grievances were remedied. Their demands for political representation were also met. Within a year, Peter Lalor – the leader of the rebels – became a member of the Victorian parliament.

The end of transportation

The discovery of gold in NSW and Victoria accelerated the abolition of convict transportation to the east coast of Australia, and ultimately to the nation as a whole. By continuing to send convicts to the eastern colonies, it was, in effect, giving free passage to potential gold diggers. And why would the new convict arrivals want to work for a living when a fortune awaited them on the goldfields

Source: http://australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/austn-gold-rush


And here is the the review questions for this chapter:

  1. Who is Edward Hammond Hargraves?
  2. Why is it said that Hargraves’s luck is not in America, but Australia?
  3. What happened to convicts who said he found gold and what did they finally do?
  4. What turned the trickle of miners heading for Ophir into flood
  5. What diseases that were suffered by the diggers?
  6. What happened to diggers without licences?
  7. What was the actual cause of Eureka Stockade?
  8.  What made the Chinese diggers different from the others?
  9. Why did the bushrangers chose the career?
  10. Mention two reasons why the police wanted Ned Kelly dead?
  11. Mention two reasons why Ned Kelly is considered a hero!
  12. Who was Constable McIntyre?
  13. Explain in points about political independence after the Gold Rush?
  14. Explain in points about transport & communication system changes after the Gold Rush?
  15. Explain in points about the cultural growth after the Gold Rush?
  16. Explain in points about economic strength after the Gold Rush?
  17. Explain in points about population boom after the Gold Rush?
  18. Explain in points about damaging ‘seeds’  after the Gold Rush?


SOSE Resources

Medieval Age

Yaay, finally we have finished discussing about the Medieval Life topic! It was such a breathtaking experience in taking the students to really ‘experience’ what really happened during those times. The loudest gasps were at the time I showed them the video of ‘torturing devices’ used for the trial and when we watched the history of Black Death. 

Following is the link to obtain the slides:


We also opened a Medieval Village that have the students explaining about every aspects of medieval life to their peers. Hopefully, by doing it, the students would have comprehended these aspects:

  • Explaining the aspects influenced in the Middle Ages
  • Elaborating the effect of Feudalism and explain the rise of middle class
  • Illustrating the feasts and festivals
  • Describing the roles of Catholic churches
  • Explaining about ways laws are implemented, incl. to Joan of Arc
  • Depicting the signs to impacts of the Black Death
  • Explaining the raise of people power



SOSE Resources

Uncovering the Past and Ancient Egypt

It is true that the history is so fascinating. We can learn and relearn from it as it would teach us not to do the ‘sam mistakes done in history.”

Well, those were the things learnt by Year 7 Al Taqwa College students for this term. Theyl earnt that to uncover the  history, some evidences have to be gathered, analyzes, before a hypotheses is taken. Yup… a hypotheses, ladies and gentlemen… So the history can be ‘re-concluded’ once there are new evidences found.

Well, basically, for the first chapter, Uncovering the past, I would expect the students to master these points:

  • Tracking history and explore reasons to study it
  • Explaining the jobs of historians and related experts
  • Evaluating evidence (incl. facts and opinions) through the methods
  • Describing the periods and block of history
  • Explaining about civilization
  • Keeping an open mind on hypotheses & mystery

As for the link of the slide can be clicked for this chapter is: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7O3Bxh-4is4WEFMeFFoMWs3Um8/edit?usp=sharing



As for the second chapter, we learnt the beauty of the Ancient Egypt, from the civilization, mummification, and even the gods they believed. One student said that he felt a mythical feeling when he watched the movie about gods… spooky, isn’t it?

Well, hopefully after the weeks we spent, the students would have understood these points:

  • Covering aspects i.e. living arrangements, women’s roles, hieroglyphics, trade & craft, religion, pyramids, burial practices & mummification, 
  • Looking at aspects above that changed over time over time; develop timelines on key events in ancient Egypt

Parts of those points (since I also used some Youtube videos and worksheet) could be read on the slide I posted on this link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7O3Bxh-4is4dkk5dHZhVm9jdkU/edit?usp=sharing. 





SOSE Resources

The Vikings 2: SOSE Resource for Year 8


It is such a fun thing to know about ancient civilization in another part of the earth. The ancient one that we have come into is the civilization of Vikings. In Al TAqwa College, Indonesia, we have learnt this one with an active earning method where the students learn using bus stop system as initial learning. The system is like this:

  1. Every group created 5 question of designated chapter, including the answer.
  2. Then, arrange the grouped-tables in circle so every group can have their turn to answer every other group answer
  3. Finally, ask each group to go to other group’s table to answer their questions in every 15 minutes.

This method, for sure, is not the best method to learn. But, at least, the students read the book they have and they also learn to cooperate as a group.


Seeing the students worked, to be honest, make me proud of them. They really strived to finish the task given with the expected manner. Hopefully, they would always have the same manner in every single thing that they do. Amiin.

And finally, here are the outcomes expected from this chapters where the students are able to:

  • Explain the Vikings’ origin, community life, Norse language, and myths
  • Elaborate the roles of beserkers
  • Retell about Viking navigation
  • Illustrate the Viking community life
  • Develop ideas on the End of the Viking Era

Following is the link of the slides used in the classroom: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7O3Bxh-4is4dlpfOGdsRExpdHc/edit?usp=sharing . Please be well-informed that the slides do not cover every detail of the learning since the other sub-chapter are done throughout the lessons using various formats.

SOSE Resources

The Europeans Arrive: 2nd SOSE Resource


In this two weeks, Secondary 9 Al Taqwa College, Indonesia, student have covered the hostory of how Europeans arrived in Australia. For other visitors, please not to get surprised of the material. Perhaps some of you wonder, why Indonesian students study about Australia. It is because the curriculum that I use to teach them is AusVELS (Australian  Victorian Essential Learning Standards) since Al Taqwa Colledge’s parent school is in Australia .

Basically, the students are expected to be able to:

  • Explain the beliefs of Ancient Greek geographers
  • Describe the finding of Botany Bay
  • Explain about Captain Arthur Philllip
  • Describe how convicts transported to Australia and their lives, incl. the female factories
  • Illustrate Macquarie, Melbourne, & new immigrants
  • Portray the whaling colony


The slides of the materials conveyed can be taken from https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7O3Bxh-4is4TEx2OHR3WTdFX3M/edit?usp=sharing  Hope it helps to better comprehend the lesson. 🙂

SOSE Resources

First Australians-The First Resource for Y9 Students

My dearest SOSE Students of Y9 Al Taqwa College. Here are the things that I hope you have covered for the first unit of SOSE – First Australians:

    • Describing the origins of indigenous people and language groups
    • Explaining the indigenous lifestyle, conflicts, effects & reaction of Indigenous people and Europeans.
    • Describing the resistance of Indigenous, genocide, and massacres.
    • Retelling about Corranderk and Torres Strait Islanders

The full slide can be downloaded from https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vA0YFsJdOeztxMX4wFXNmf1yzf8iUaw-eWzn69HM2IY/edit?usp=sharing

What you have to do is:

  1. Click the link and
  2. When you see the option FILE, click and scroll down to choose DOWNLOAD AS (up to you what format you want to have.

Now, we have come to the time of submitting the narrative story (It’s been 2 weeks already!). Be well reminded that the post that will have perfect score is the ones submitted on September 9, 2013 at 11.50 p.m. If you submit later that the due date, it is still accepted with minus 10 for maximum scoring. For example, if you submit on September 10, your maximum score is not 100 but 90. You are still allowed to have revisions even when you have submitted the work.

The descriptors for the work (taken as English and SOSE projects) are as follows:

  1. Having it in a form of narrative story with one make-up character taken from the chapter
  2. Having at least one real historical account taken from the first chapter (First Australians)
  3. Having the tenses of simple past and present perfect

Good Luck! 🙂