Englicious Resources, SOSE Resources, Students' Masterpieces

The Klastulistiwa Anthology: Mari Terbitkan Mimpi

Dan akhirnya… buku keroyokan ‘The Klastulistiwa Anthology‘ yang menggantikan portofolio itu terbit. Alhamdulillah, dengan modal self publishing, saya dapat membantu menerbitkan mimpi anak-anak murid saya menjadi penulis.

So, what’s Klastulistiwa Anthology?

Klastulistiwa Anthology adalah kumpulan tulisan anak-anak selama satu tahun ajaran ketika saya mengajarkan SOSE dan Bahasa Inggris. Isinya ya, campur-campur: puisi, artikel, cerpen, sampai poster. Selama satu tahun itu pula siswa-siswa saya menabung agar bisa cetak pertama plus biaya biro pengurus ISBN. Maklum, posisi sekolah berasrama kami yang sangat dekat dengan wisma atlet ternama itu tidak memungkinkan kami mengurusnya sendiri.

Di akhir tahun ajaran, salah satu anak yang menjadi pengurus Girls SRC (OSIS tapi khusus perempuan) menggagas untuk membuat Klastulistiwa Project Team.

Via, sang ketua SRC, banyak berperan dalam hal ini. Ia memimpin tim yang terdiri dari beberapa anak2 kelas 7 hingga 12 yang saya ajar. Mereka memosisikan diri menjadi content editor, visual designer, editor, treasurer, sampai marketer – di bawah Via yang jadi Project Manager tentunya. Mereka membuat project timeline, budgeting, hingga promosi.

KLASTULISTIWAWaktu project yang hanya satu bulan pun rampung. An accomplished project. Seluruh penjualan buku hard copy dan royalty disumbangkan untuk pembangunan masjid sekolah. Saat itu perasaan saya membuncah sebagai guru. Bagaimana tidak? Saya seakan-akan melihat langsung semua yang saya ajarkan di kelas, diterapkan di dunia nyata. All of the life skills, knowledge, and character building!

Kisah pun diakhiri dengan telfon kalau buku tidak bisa diikirim tepat waktu ke sekolah untuk dijual kepada pengunjung saat Graduation & Open House karena lokasi yang sulit dijangkau. “Bisanya ke Bogor kota, Bu.” katanya.

Saya publish di LINE, dan dalam sekejap saya di jawab puluhan komen yang bernada sama “Kirim ke alamat saya aja, Bu.” tulis salah satu anak. Dan lagi, an obstacle is overcome.

Anak-anak itu benar-benar bekerja meskipun ada di minggu ujian. Bahkan, para marketer berhasil menjual empat puluh buku!

Dan sekarang, saya mau coba peruntungan saya sebagai marketer dengan mempromosikan buku keroyokan anak-anak itu. Siapa tahu ada yang berminat untuk menulari anak-anaknya kisah yang serupa. Jika ada, buku bisa dibeli online melalui leutikaprio.com. Klik saja LINK INI.

Students' Masterpieces

Al Taqwa Indonesia’s Talents


Al Taqwa Welcome

It’s been almost a year that I jumbled with the classes of Al Taqwa Colege Sentul. Some of their masterpiece have captured our writing journey throughout the days. Some of the works were captured on tdifferent media, however, due to the challenge of our so-called internet connection. Well, that’s the art of living a bit far from civilization.

So, feel free to click on the links and be rejuvenated by the young minds of these talents! 🙂


1. Ihsan http://m1psch00l.wordpress.com

2. Rizna  http://itsaboutschool.wordpress.com   riznaar.wordpress.com

3. Cut blogdipaksapaksa.wordpress.com

4. Salsa salsabilakh.wordpress.com

5. Nada http://shafiyyaqotunnada.wordpress.comsyafidaqk.wordpress.com

6. Erdy http://erditanaya14.wordpress.com/

7. Ulhaq http://ulhaqthebuluk.wordpress.com

8. Hilmi http://alwanhilmi.wordpress.com

9. Leon http://rikudouleonmahesa.wordpress.com

10. Ganes http://ganesyear8.wordpress.com/
11. Rizza http://rizza29.wordpress.com/

12. Nicky http://nickyputtera.wordpress.com

13. Mujahid http://www.Mujayhid19.wordpress.com

14. Tsabita http://tsabitasafirablog.wordpress.com

15. Ghozi http://ghozifikri.wordpress.com/

16. Farrel farrelyuvialdi.wordpress.com

17. Kautsar alwanalkautsar.wordpress.com

18. Zikri kamupintaryah.wordpress.com


1. Bulan http://bulanayu495.wordpress.com

2. Nisa http://arigohshafanissa.wordpress.com/

3. Vica  http://yuvicaf.wordpress.com/

4. Idan http://haidarhorsey.blogspot.com 
5. Ocean http://oceannubli.blogspot.com 
6. Odi http://dinanta07.blogspot.com

7. Farah http://farahdina2508.wordpress.com

8. Abil nabilladeh.wordpress.com

9. Nurma http://creepycrackycastle.wordpress.com

10. Shafa http://sosesosesose.wordpress.com/

11. Davina devinasac.wordpress.com

12. Fadel http://fadelf2.wordpress.com

13. Bulan bulanayu495.wordpress.com

14. shalimar10.wordpress.com


1. Angela dewivangreuningen.blogspot.com

2. Ariq ariqalghifari11.blogspot.com

3. Ataa ataassoseproject.blogspot.com

4. Dika muhammadhandika.blogspot.com

5. Fatimah fullofschool.blogspot.com

6. Huzi hudzaifahsproject.wordpress.com

7. Indah setiapjumat.blogspot.com

8. Kyla kylaaulias.blogspot.com

9. Pristina pristinabahar.blogspot.com

10. Putri iniblogmilikku.blogspot.com

11. Bagas rafi203.blogspot.com

12. Raissa schoolsukamakan.blogspot.com

13. Shoffa oppadilah.blogspot.com

14. Tsamara tsammyxo29.blogspot.com

15. Zahra schoolimagines.blogspot.com

Year 11

1. Via vianoviani.blogspot.com

2. Nadia nadikidalkadal.blogspot.com


Year 12

1. Dimas http://dimaswrd.blogspot.com

Students' Masterpieces

FRESH!!! The First Semester FE Question Guideline for S-12 of 2011-2012

S-12 Semester Test Guideline 2011-2012

There you go… hope you can prepare yourself well for the first semester final exam. Good luck, guys! ^___^


Students' Masterpieces

The Menu for 2011-2012

Welcome the new generation of Ibu Mierza’s Englicious Students 2011-2012! Yup… We are starting fresh and rejuvenated in this delicious English classroom. We’re not going to only to prepare you to be the best that you can be in using English, but also to have fun with it.

The main topic for the first semester will be about the Glocal Poverty Issues happening around us. The appetizer is on the introduction to Glocal Poverty itself by being in it through a theatrical performance. Afterward, I invite you to investigate the causes and effects of Glocal Poverty and result a sequences based on your own analysis. And finally, the semester will end with the fascinating desert of your rebuttal opinions and arguments on what YOU can do to overcome poverty (I personally never believe in the word ABOLISH POVERTY).

As for the second semester, at a glance, I will show you that preparing for the next step to your future – a.k.a. The National Exam – can be also as delicious as dining itself. We’re going to cherish every moment of it and make it as wonderful as we can… in our very own Englicious Classroom. Hopefully you are patient enough in waiting for it to happen.

Well, happy tasting the deli of English and tell the world – through your blog – that you are the Glocal Generation!

Students' Masterpieces



Herewith I attach the  list of materials you will face in the final exam this semester. Just click on the link and happy downloading…

Good luck!

English 1st Semester FE 1011


Ms. M

Students' Masterpieces

The Menu

Welcome to Englicious, 12 Graders!

Now we are starting fresh and getting ready to be rejuvenated in the classroom. The main topic (as always) will be the glocal issues happening around us. This year, we will deal with our own way of Perceiving the World Differently through  topic of Global Poverty, as well as to find out our role in maintaining Environmental Sustainability through the issue of Global Warming (Between Myth and Reality), and of course – since this class will face the what is so-called National Exam, the final menu on the list is Preparing for the Future that mostly will deal with types of texts and expressions.

The things we cover will most likely be as follow:

  1. Expressions for : suggesting, begging, complaining, discussing possibilities to do something, giving commands, acknowledging one’s fault, promises, blaming, expressing curiosity, stating stances, persuading, suggesting, criticizing, giving expectation, reminding, showing regrets, making plans, stating purpose and aim, giving prediction, speculating, and giving opinion.
  2. Types of text: narrative, explanation, discussion, and review.
  3. All the things that most likely will appear in the National Exam.

Well, happy tasting the deli of English and tell the world – through your blog – that you are the Glocal Generation!

Note: Herewith I attached the  Assessment Rubric for Engliciousclass Blog Project 2010.


Ms. M